Spiritual Counselor
Weekly Online Sangha
Weekly Sunday Morning Meditations
David is currently leading a weekly Sunday morning meditation online from 8:00-8:45am, Mountain time. The session consists of a brief opening, a thirty minute period of meditation practice, and a short talk. These morning sessions are currently offered seven days a week and a different teacher leads the morning meditation on each day. For information about who’s teaching and what Zoom link they’re using, please use the following link to the Insight Meditation Community of Colorado (IMCC) website. The morning meditation information on the website will be updated weekly on Sundays.
If you would like to be added to David’s email list to receive periodic announcements and updates, please send your name and email address to karen.sheldon@gmail.com and ask her to add your information to David’s email list.
Weekly Tuesday Night Sangha
David has moved the weekly Tuesday night meditation group online using the Zoom video app. The schedule will remain as it has been, with the introductory remarks and meditation starting at 7:00 PM (Mountain time), and the talk or discussion starting at 8:00 PM. It’s uncertain at this time whether or not the Tuesday night group will resume in-person meetings.
In order to participate in the Tuesday night online sangha gatherings, you will need to download the Zoom app, which is free for participants. Zoom is available on many devices and the download links can be found here: https://zoom.us/download
The Zoom account being used on Tuesday nights will change from time to time. For information about who is speaking, what the topic will be, and what Zoom account is being used on a given Tuesday evening, you can join David’s email list by contacting Karen Sheldon at karen.sheldon@gmail.com and asking her to add you to David’s email list. David sends out a weekly announcement about the upcoming Tuesday night group on the Sunday before each Tuesday night sangha gathering.
If you prefer not to join the email list, you can go to the IMCC website on any Sunday or Monday and the relevant Zoom and speaker information for the coming Tuesday will be posted at this link: https://insightcolorado.org/Pages/tuesday_sangha_details.pdf
Once you join the meeting online, all attendees will initially be muted. We encourage you to turn on your camera if you're comfortable doing so during the meditation, talk and / or discussion, however if you prefer not to do so, that’s fine. If the meeting includes a discussion, you can click “Reactions” at the bottom of your screen and then "Raise Hand" to indicate you'd like to make a comment or ask a question. Once it is your turn, you will be prompted by the host to unmute so you can be heard by the teacher and the group.
If you need technical assistance, please contact David and he'll arrange for a volunteer to assist you.
In accordance with the tradition of Buddhist practice, these teachings are being freely offered with no expectation of financial gain. For those who wish to practice dana (gifts freely given in gratitude for the receipt of teachings), useful guidelines are to choose a financial offering that uplifts your heart and that feels appropriate for your personal situation.
Please donate with the buttons below via PayPal or credit/debit card. Note that there are separate PayPal buttons for the Sunday morning meditation and the Tuesday night sangha gathering.
Or, send a check to IMCC, c/o David Chernikoff, 255 Pawnee Dr., Boulder, CO 80303. Please indicate in the memo line if your dana offering is for the Sunday morning meditation, for the Tuesday night sangha, or both.